Australian Core Skills Framework
The Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) is a tool which assists both specialist and non-specialist English language, literacy and numeracy practitioners describe an individual’s performance in the five core skills of learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy.
It provides a consistent national approach to identifying and developing the core skills in three diverse contexts; personal and community; workplace and employment; and education and training. In particular, it offers:
- shared concepts and language for identifying, describing and discussing the core skills
- a systematic approach to benchmarking, monitoring and reporting on core skills performance.
The framework has broad application and can be used to:
- assess and benchmark an individual’s core skills performance
- describe core skills relevant to the workplace and employment
- map curricula
- tailor approaches to teaching and learning
- inform decisions regarding funding and referrals.
Click here to visit the ACSF website.
ACSF Course Profile
An ACSF Course Profile is a collection of the analyses of the required ACSF Core Skill levels of the Units of Competency that make up the qualification that we are delivering.
SIA uses a purpose-built diagnostic tool created by LLN Robot to determine the required ACSF Core Skill levels of a Unit of Competency. The system uses a series of language analysis algorithms to scan the content of a Unit of Competency to identify trigger words and phrases and their associated values based on the training package, ACSF performance indicators and the AQF (certificate) level of the unit. This data is used to generate a training profile that reflects the core skills required to understand and perform the criteria outlined in the unit.
The Course Profile outlines the ACSF Core Skill level requirements a Learner will be expected to be at upon completion of their training.
In the following table, you may download the ACSF Course profile for all of our courses.